

Олимпиада по теологии

300 лет СПбГУ


Poluboyarinova Larisa

Poluboyarinova Larisa

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of History of Foreign Literatures

Areas of specialisation

The history of German-language literature of the 18th-21st centuries, comparative studies (in particular, intermediality), the theory and history of comparative literary criticism, gender studies, the study of literary networks

Curriculum Vitae

1986 – graduated in German Language and Literature from Kemerovo State University;

1987-1990 – postgraduate student in Department of the History of Foreign Literatures, Leningrad State University;

1990 – Candidate of Philology, thesis title: “Adalbert Stifter’s late prose” in the main field of study 10.01.03 – "Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (literature of the peoples of Europe, America, Australia)";

1991-1997 – Assistant Lecturer, Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor in the Department of Theory of Literature and History of Foreign Literature of Kemerovo State University;

1995-1997 – Research-Fellow of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD);

1998-2009 – Associate Professor in Department of the History of Foreign Literatures in St Petersburg University;

2002-2003 – Research-Fellow of Alexander-von-Humboldt-Foundation;

2007 – Doctor of Philology (habil.), thesis title: "Leopold von Sacher-Masoch`prose in the literary context of the era of realism" in the main field of study 10.01.03 – "Literature of the peoples of foreign countries (literature of the peoples of Europe, America, Australia)";

2010 – Full Professor, St Petersburg University Department of the History of Foreign Literatures;

2013- current – Head of the St Petersburg University Department of the History of Foreign Literatures


The author of over 160 scientific works and teaching aids.

SPIN-Code: 2804-7062
ResearcherID: D-2348-2016


  1. “A teper`eshyo i Turgenev!“: Istoki, osnovaniya i klyuchevye parametry recepcii russkogo klassika v Avstrii [“And now also Turgenev!” The origins, foundations and key parameters of the reception of the Russian classic in Austria]. St Petersburg, St Petersburg University Press, 2018. 248 p. (in Russian)
  2. Die Produktivität des Plagiats/The Productivity of Plagiarism / Ed. Christine Baron, Charlotte Krauss, Larissa Polubojarinova. Berlin: LIT, 2018. 237 p. (Globalizing fiction, 4)
  3. Phänomenologie, Geschichte und Anthropologie des Reisens / Ed. Larissa Polubojarinova, Marion Kobelt-Groch, Olga Kulishkina. Kiel: Solivagus-Verl., 2015. 584 S.
  4. Leopold fon Zacher-Mazokh – avstriyski pisatel` epokhi realizma [Leopold von Sacher-Masoch - Austrian writer of the realism era]. St Petersburg: Nauka, 2006. 464 p. (in Russian)
  5. Poetika avstriyskoy prozy XIX veka [Poetics of 19th-century Austrian prose]. Kemerovo: Kemerovo University Press, 1995. 101 p. (in Russian)

Recent scientific articles

  1. Dr. S.ʼs Badereisen: Der Kurorttopos in W. G. Sebalds Werk. In: Orbis Litterarum. 2019. Vol. 74. P. 340-364 (co-authored with Olga Kulishkina)
  2. Vsemirnaja – Internacional’naja – Mirovaja: Transformationen des Weltliteratur-Begriffs in Sowjetrussland 1918–1983. In: Vergleichende Weltliteraturen / Comparative World Literatures. Stuttgart: Springer-Verl., 2019. S. 301-318
  3. A.V.Mikhaylov i Val'ter Ben'yamin: k postanovke problemy [A.V. Mikhailov and Walter Benjamin: to the statement of the problem]. In: Zhizn' v nauke: Aleksandr Viktorovich Mikhaylov — issledovatel' literatury i kul'tury [Life in science: Alexander Viktorovich Mikhailov - researcher of literature and culture] / Ed. L.I.Sazonova. Moscow: Institute of World Literature Press, 2018. P. 97-110 (in Russian)
  4. Viktor Žirmunskij en dialogue avec les formalistes russes et avec l’Europe de l’ouest. In: La Littérature comparée : un dialogue entre Est et Ouest Naissance et évolution des théories en Europe / Ed. Charlotte Krauss et Karl Zieger. Paris: Lucie éditions, 2018. P.47-58
  5. Yuriy Tynyanov – (anti)komparativist [Yuri Tynyanov - (anti) comparative]. In: Bulletin of St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design. Ser. 2. Art criticism. Philological sciences. 2017. № 1. P. 56-63 (in Russian)
  6. Im Zeichen Goethes, Gorkis und Bachtins: sowjetische Weltliteratur-Debatte im Lichte des aktuellen Globalisierungsdiskurses. In: Goethe-Jahrbuch. Bd. 134. 2017. S. 52-59
  7. Impello – Impuli – Impulsum: Dostoevsky and Schiller between Logos and Pathos. In: Dostoevsky Studies. The Journal of Dostoevsky Society. 2016. Vol. 20. P. 31-46
  8. „In dem kleinen Karpatenbade“: Venus im Pelz als (trans)kulturelle Ikone Ostmitteleuropas. In: World Literature Studies. 2016. Vol. 8. N 4. P. 5-18. (co-authored with Olga Kulishkina)


  1. Istoriya zapadnoyevropeyskoy literatury XIX v. Germaniya. Avstriya. Shveytsariya [History of West European Literature of the 19th Century Germany. Austria. Switzerland]. Moscow: Vysshaya shkola, 2002. 2nd edition: Moscow-St Petersburg: Academia, 2005. 198 p.  (co-authored with A.G. Berezina and A.V. Belobratov)
  2. Zarubezhnaya literatura i kul'tura epokhi Prosveshcheniya: Uchebnik dlya studentov uchrezhdeniy vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya [Foreign Literature and Culture of the Enlightenment: A Textbook for Students of Higher Professional Education Institutions]. Moscow: Publishing House “Academia”, 2010. 240 p. (co-authored with V.D. Altashina, I.V. Lukyanets and A.A. Chameev)
  3. Istoriya zarubezhnoy literatury XIX veka [The history of foreign literature of the XIX century]/ Ed. von E. Apenko. Moscow: Yurayt, 2016. (author of several chapters)
  4. Zarubezhnaya literatura XVIII veka [Foreign Literature of the 18th Century]: Reader / Ed. I.I.Burova, L.V.Sidorchenko. St Petersburg: Publishing House of St Petersburg State University, 2015. P.737-800
  5. Estetika. Istoriya ucheniy. [Aesthetics. The history of the teachings]. In 2 vol. /Ed. S.B. Nikonova, A.Ye. Radeyev. Moscow: Yurayt, 2017 (author of the chapter on receptive aesthetics)

Full list in PURE

Academic experience and Scientific achievements

Larisa Poluboyarinova has many years of experience in the scientific management of graduate students, expert scientific activities and international scientific cooperation with European universities. She takes part in international scientific and educational projects, including as the head in a joint grant DAAD GIP with the University of Konstanz, and a joint grant (Research Group Linkage Program / Alexander von Humboldt Foundation) with the University of Freiburg “Writer Networking in the 19th Century”. As a visiting professor, she has taught at the universities of Freiburg, Braunschweig, Koblenz-Landau and Turku. She is an Ambassador of Science of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Russia, a Member of the Presidium of the Weimar Goethe-Society, and a Member of the Presidium of the Russian Union of Germanists.