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Лекции профессора Карола Зелински, посвященные литературному наследию Древней Греции

13-14 сентября кабинет фольклора и теории литературы кафедры истории русской литературы филологического факультета СПбГУ приглашает на лекции Карола Зелински, профессора Центра междисциплинарного изучения устных и письменных культур Института классических, восточных и средиземноморских исследований Вроцлава

13 сентября пройдет лекция на тему: «How Sappho’s poems might have been preserved in oral transmission».

Место проведения: Университетская наб., дом 11, ауд. 213.

Начало в 16:00.


Researchers of Sappho's poetry are concentrated on the originality of ideas of the poetess, therefore, they would connect the origin of her poems with a need of using a script. The second reason of the need of linking it with writing is an occasionality - the contents of the songs seem to be connected with concrete events and they had to be written down so as they are remembered. I am going to show that both these phenomena get the sufficient explanations in the oral reality. The songs could have been transmitted in the oral tradition at first in the thiasus in Mytilene later in other societies before they were written down for some reason. The interpretation of fr. 1, 2 and 22 is to prove that well understanding of the poems should follow the conventions of behavior and the discourse conducted at the symposium with the other participants of the feast.

14 сентября пройдет лекция на тему: «The quarrel between Achilles and Agamemnon in linear oral reception».

Место проведения: ул. Галерная, дом 58-60, ауд. 214

Начало в 13:00.


In oral performance, a final shape of an epic composition is a result of a strategy of telling a story applied by a singer. His desire of attracting the attention of his audience makes him affect his public by specific and typical oral tradition ways of organizing the narrative. He controls the emotions and intellectual perception of his audience. I will try to demonstrate that in homerology it is not taken into account and the Iliad is being interpreted just like other written texts. An analysis of the first scene of the poem is to show how important is thinking about a linear transmission of the tale, i.e. how essential in interpreting the Iliad is taking into account the capacity of perception of the given narrative by Homer's audience.

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