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300 лет СПбГУ


Stepanov Andrei Dmitrievich

Stepanov Andrei Dmitrievich

Doctor of Philology, Ph.D., Professor of the Department of the History of Russian Literature St. Petersburg State University, member of the Editorial Board of the Journal «Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature», translator, writer

Email: a.d.stepanov@spbu.ru

Research interests

Modern theories of literature, the history of culture, the theory of speech acts and speech genres, Anton Chekhov’s poetics, contemporary Russian prose, Russian as a foreign language teaching methodologies, rhetoric.

Curriculum Vitae

1991 — graduated with honors in Russian Philology and Teaching of the Russian Language and Literature, Faculty of Philology, St. Petersburg State University;

1996 — Candidate of Philology; title of candidate thesis: “A. P. Chekhov’s Drama of1880s and Poetics of Melodrama”;

2005 — Ph.D. (Laudatur), Åbo Akademi University, Finland;

2005 — Doctor of Philology; title of doctoral thesis: “Problems of communication in Chekhov`s works”;

2008 — Professor, Department of the History of Russian Literature, St. Petersburg State University.

2018 — title of Full Professor received.


The author of the monograph “Problems of Communication in Chekhov’s Works” (2005), more than 180 scientific articles, two novels and a collection of short stories, as well as twenty books of literary and scolarly translations from English. The main scolarly works are devoted to modern theories of literature, the history of culture, the theory of speech acts and speech genres, Anton Chekhov’s poetics, contemporary Russian prose, Russian as a foreign language teaching methodologies, rhetoric.


  1. Problemy kommunikacii u Chekhova. M., Yazyki slavyanskoj kul'tury, 2005. – 400 p.
  2. Rannij Chekhov: problemy poetiki : kollektivnaya monografiya / pod red. A. D. Stepanova — SPb. : Nestor-Istoriya, 2019. –192 p.


  1. Rasskaz Chekhova «Arhierej»: soprotivlenie interpretacii // Scando-Slavica, Tomus 48, 2002, pp. 25-44.
  2. O prirode znaka u Chekhova // Izvestiya Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk. Seriya literatury i yazyka. T. 63. № 5. Sentyabr'-Oktyabr' 2004. p. 24–30.
  3. Chekhovskaya «absolyutnejshaya svoboda» i hronotop tyur'my // Canadian-American Slavic Studies. Spring-Summer, 2008. Vol. 42, Nos. 1–2, pp. 89–102 — g. Toronto, — 2008. — T. 42. — P. 89-102.
  4. Lev Shestov on Chekhov // Anton Chekhov Through the Eyes of Russian Thinkers: Vasilii Rozanov, Dmitrii Merezhkovskii and Lev Shestov (Anthem Series on Russian, East European and Eurasian Studies) / Ed. O. Tabachnikova. London: Anthem press, 2010. P. 169–174.

Recent publications

  1. Ob interesnom literaturovedenii // Tekst i tradiciya: al'manah. Vyp. 2 / Institut russkoj literatury (Pushkinskij dom) Rossijskoj Akademii Nauk, Muzej-usad'ba L. N. Tolstogo «Yasnaya polyana» / Gl. red. E. G. Vodolazkin. SPb.: Rostok, 2014. P. 237–244.
  2. «Spyashchaya krasavica» segodnya: k voprosu o granicah intertekstual'nogo i mifologicheskogo podhodov // Welt der Slaven. 2017. Bd. 62. № 2. P. 304-318.
  3. Problema «agrammatizma» v poezii i proze // Intertekstual'nyj analiz: principy i granicy: sbornik nauchnyh statej / Pod red. A. A. Karpova, A. D. Stepanova. -- SPb., Izd-vo S.-Peterb. un-ta, 2017. P. 11–25.
  4. Ponyatie «topos» – problema granic // Mir russkogo slova. 2018. № 2. P. 41–46.
  5. Chekhov i Barancevich: k voprosu o kriteriyah interteksta // Russkaya literatura. 2019. № 2. P. 97–103.


  1. Russkij yazyk v pesnyah – Russian Language Through Russian Songs: a textbook (in co-authorship with Mac Lae Jeong). Daegu: Keimyung University Press, 2002. – 125 p. (Title in Korean and Russian).
  2. Turizm – uchebnik dlya budushchih gidov. – Tourism: a Textbook of Russian for Future Guides (in co-authorship with Mac Lae Jeong). Daegu: Keimyung University Press, 2002. – 136 pp. (Title in Korean and Russian).
  3. Literaturovedenie russkogo zarubezh'ya // Literatura russkogo zarubezh'ya (1920-1940): praktikum-hrestomatiya. SPb.: Filologicheskij fakul'tet SPbGU, 2011. P. 35-60.
  4. Literaturovedenie russkogo zarubezh'ya // Literatura russkogo zarubezh'ya (1920-1940): uchebnik. SPb.: Filologicheskij fakul'tet SPbGU, 2011. P. 88–112.
  5. Stepanov A. D. Analiz chekhovskogo rasskaza: Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov obrazovatel'noj programmy bakalavriata  «Otechestvennaya filologiya» (Russkij yazyk i literatura). SPb.: Nestor-istoriya, 2017. – 52 p.
  6. Overina K. S., Ovcharskaya O. V., Stepanov A. D. Chekhov i ego vremya: Uchebnoe posobie dlya studentov obrazovatel'noj programmy bakalavriata  «Otechestvennaya filologiya» (Russkij yazyk i literatura). SPb.: Nestor-istoriya, 2017. – 64 p.


  1. Defoe, Daniel. Vseobshchaya istoriya piratstva / Per. s angl. A.D. Stepanova. SPb.: Azbuka-klassika, 2009. – 16 p.l.
  2. Zanganeh, Lila Azam. Volshebnik: priklyuchenie v strane Nabokova / Per. s angl. A.D. Stepanova.. SPb.: Azbuka-klassika, 2013. – 10 p.l.
  3. Gaskell,  Elizabeth. Ruf': roman / Per. s angl. A.D. Stepanova. SPb.: Azbuka-klassika, 2013. – 25 p.l.
  4. Munro, Alice. Slishkom mnogo schast'ya: sbornik rasskazov / Per. s angl. A.D. Stepanova. SPb.: Azbuka-Attikus, 2014. – 15 p.l.
  5. Gaskell,  Elizabeth. ZHizn' SHarlotty Bronte / Per. s angl. A.D. Stepanova. SPb.: Azbuka-klassika, 2014. – 25 p.l.
  6. Berger, John. Portrety / Per. s angl. Andreya Stepanova. SPb.: Azbuka, Azbuka-Attikus, 2017. – 480 s.
  7. Schonle, Andreas. Arhitektura zabveniya: ruiny i istoricheskoe soznanie v Rossii Novogo vremeni / Avtorizovannyj perevod s angl. Andreya Stepanova. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2018. – 360 s. (Seriya «Novaya intellektual'naya istoriya»).
  8. Konrad, Sebastian. CHto takoe global'naya istoriya? / Perevod s angl. A. Stepanova, nauch. red. i predisl. A. Semenova. M.: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 2018. – 312 str.

Academic experience & Scientific achievements

Guest lecturer at the universities of Republic of Korea, China, Belgium, Great Britain, USA, Finland, Germany.

Laureate of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University Prize for the best scholarly work (2006), Prize of the “Neva” Magazine (2009), finalist of the “New Literature Prize” (2009), laureate of the Nikolai Gogol Prize (2011). Lives in St. Petersburg.