
300 лет СПбГУ


Nefedov Sergey Trofimovich

Nefedov Sergey Trofimovich

Doctor of Philology, Professor, Head of the Department of German Philology, St Petersburg State University. Executive Editor of the Journal «Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature». Chief Editor of the Yearbook «German Philology at St. Petersburg State University»

Email: s.nefedov@spbu.ru

Areas of specialization

Theoretic and applied Germanic studies, synchronic and diachronic studies of the German language, linguistic modality theory, linguistic pragmatics, language of scientific communication, text and discourse linguistics.

SPIN-код: 1464-4148

ResearcherID: J-9445-2015

Curriculum Vitae

1983 — graduated in Romance and Germanic Languages and Literature (German) from Leningrad State University;

1987 — staff member, SPbU Department of German Philology (Assistant Lecturer);

1987 — Candidate of Philology, thesis title: "The meaning and sense of German sentences containing negative words as illustrated by monological speech" in the main field of study 10.02.04 – "Germanic Languages";

1995 — Associate Professor, SPbU Department of German Philology;

2006 — was awarded the academic title of Associate Professor;

2008 — Doctor of Philology, thesis title: "The grammar of German modal components from the diachronic perspective" in the main field of study 10.02.04 – "Germanic Languages";

2009 — Professor, SPbU Department of German Philology;

2014 — current — Head of the SPbU Department of German Philology


The author of over 120 scientific works and teaching aids. The executive editor of a number of thematic collections of scientific papers and multi-authored monographs, including those published in German.


  1. Kommunikativnaia modal'nost' i epistemicheskie modal'nye komponenty (sinkhroniia i diakhroniia) [Communicative modality and epistemic modal components (synchrony and diachrony)]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2007 (a monograph). – 201 p.
  2. Essays on the historical pragmatics of Germanic languages / ed. G.A. Baeva. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2012.  – 272 p. (collective monograph)
  3. Wissenschaftliches Schreiben. Ein Handbuch / Hrsg. von Christina Gansel, Sergej Nefedov. Wolgast: Steffen Media Usedom, 2018. – 206 S. (collective monograph in German).
  4. Kommunikative Praktiken in sozialen Kontexten: Sprachliche Mittel im Einsatz / Hrsg. von Christina Gansel, Sergej Nefedov, Irina Jesan.  (Reihe: Projekt Angewandte Linguistik. Bd. 3). Münster – Berlin – London: LIT-Verlag. 2019. – 256 S. (collective monograph in German).


  1. Implitsitnaia avtorizovannost' nauchnogo teksta [Implicit authorship of a scientific text] // Nauchnoe mnenie — Scientific Opinion. 2013. - No. 10. – Pp. 51-57.
  2. Fachsprache „Linguistik“ in der universitären Kommunikation: explizite und implizite Autorisierung sprachwissenschaftlicher Texte // Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur. Bd. 32, Nr. 2. Istanbul. 2014. S. 17-34.
  3. Narrativnyi "zapret" v lingvisticheskom diskurse [Narrative "prohibition" in linguistic discourse] // Nauchnoe mnenie — Scientific Opinion. 2014. No. 9. Pp. 9-19.
  4. Temporal'naia periferiia nauchnogo teksta (nenarrativnye funktsii perfekta i preterita) [The temporal periphery of a scientific text (non-narrative functions of the perfect and preterite tenses)] // Vestnik SPbGU. Seriia 9 — Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Series 9. 2015. Issue 1. Pp. 114-123.
  5. Funktsional'nyi potentsial voprositel'nykh struktur v nauchnykh lingvisticheskikh tekstakh [The functional potential of interrogative structures in scientific linguistic texts] // Vestnik Volgogradskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Ser. 2. Iazykoznanie — Vestnik of Volgograd State University. Series 2. Linguistics. 2015. No. 4 (28). Pp. 65-74.
  6. Intentsional'naia struktura i modal'nost' nauchnogo teksta [The intentional structure and modality of a scientific text // Filologicheskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki — Philological Sciences. Issues in Theory and Practice. Tambov, Gramota Publ., 2016. No. 9(63): in 3 parts. Part 3. Pp. 141-145.
  7. Epistemicheskie "sdvigi" v modal'nosti nauchnogo teksta [Epistemic "shifts" in the modality of a scientific text] // Nauchnoe obozrenie: gumanitarnye issledovaniia — Scientific Review: Studies in Humanities. 2016. No. 9. Pp. 133-140.
  8. Diskursivnye funktsii modal'nykh slov v nauchnoi argumentatsii [The discursive functions of modal words in scientific argumentation] // Universitetskii nauchnyi zhurnal — The University Scientific Journal. St. Petersburg. 2016. No. 21. Pp. 34-42.
  9. Restriktivnaia argumentatsiia: modal'nye slova somneniia i obshcheznachimosti (na materiale nemetskoiazychnykh lingvisticheskikh statei) [Restrictive argumentation: The modal words of doubt and general meaning. Evidence from German linguistic papers] // Vestnik SPbGU. Iazyk i literatura — Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Language and Literature. Issue 4. 2017. Pp. 599-610.
  10. Aufforderung in linguistischen Fachtexten // Deutsch als Bindeglied zwischen Inlands- und Auslandsgermanistik. Kovac-Verlag, 2017. S. 379-388.
  11. Diskurs: napravleniia, shkoly, metodologiia diskursivnogo analiza [Discourse: The areas, schools and methodology of discourse analysis] // Nemetskaia filollogiia v SPbGU — German Philology at SPbU. Issue 7. St. Petersburg, 2018. Pp. 11-34.
  12. Nefedov, Sergey. Towards evaluation in scientific reviews (based on German linguistics) // Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanit. soc. sci., 12(10), 2019. DOI: 10.17516/1997-1370-0494. (in print).
  13. Nefedov S. T., Сhernyavskaya V.E. Context in linguistics: pragmatic and discourse analytical dimension // Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Philologiia. 2019. № 62.
  14. Sergej Nefedov. Modales Profil sprachwissenschaftlicher Texte // Christina Gansel, Sergej Nefedov, Irina Jesan (Hg.). Kommunikative Praktiken in sozialen Kontexten: Sprachliche Mittel im Einsatz. (Reihe: Projekt Angewandte Linguistik. Bd. 3) - LIT-Verlag / Greifswald 2019. S. 13-24.
  15. Nefedov S. T., The dialogue of the “known” and “new”: communicative strategies // Nemetskaia filollogiia v SPbGU — German Philology at SPbU. Issue 9. St. Petersburg, 2019 (in print).


  1. Morfologiia sovremennogo nemetskogo iazyka v kommentariiakh i uprazhneniiakh. Uchebnoe posobie [The morphology of Modern German with commentary and exercises provided. A study guide] / Ed. by G.A. Baeva. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 1997; 2004, 220 рр. (co-authors: Baeva G.A., Zemskova V.P.).
  2. Teoreticheskaia grammatika: Morfologiia nemetskogo iazyka. Uchebnik [Theoretical Grammar: The German Morphology. Textbook]. St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg University Press, 2018. 354 рр.

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Academic experience & Scientific achievements

Has a long-standing experience of international scientific cooperation with German universities; has made a considerable contribution to the internalization of education in foreign languages.

Participated in many international scientific and educational projects including those featuring him as an academic supervisor from the part of SPbU in joint DAAD grants in Germanic studies: with the University of Freiburg (ID 57 155832 "Variation processes in language and literature"); with the University of Greifswald (ID 57 222954 "Communicative practices in the social context of the German language and literature"). Lectured at the University of Greifswald as a visiting professor.

Actively cooperates with the German Linguistic Society (Gesellschaft für Sprache und Sprachen — GeSuS). Member of the Russian Union of Germanists.